Monday, January 12, 2009

My little Katie

Well I have been writing about Master Patrick - I think you are all aware of my other little people in my life - Most importantly Michael Paul, my grandson who lives in Ohio - but while I do not have any recent pictures of him - I am going to write a little story about a little girl who stole my heart 5 years ago when she was born to my best friend Kathy and her fabulous husband Jim. Katie is named after me, so that means she will be an wodnerful person when she grows up - ut most imprtantly she has been my trial and error "grandchild" even though I am just Auntie katie - a role I adore. I hope the picture of me showing katie some new tricks a while ago did upload correctly - again, this is still a trial and error attempt right now.

I am going to send her mom this blog spot in the hopes that her Daddy will send me some new pictures.......

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