Saturday, January 31, 2009

Clean out still going on...

Well, today started our early....... but a wonderful way to start any day. I spent the night Becca's. We had a great night with Patrick - Grandma got to give him his bath and then I rocked him to sleep. He went down and slept until 1:30 this morning - fed, smiled at Grandma and made my day - who cares that it was late and that I really wanted to sleep a bit more - a smile from a little baby can made you forget everything.

I was hoping that Becca could have spent the night at our house, but I still have my house guest - so no room at the Inn. Maybe another night this week. I cannot wait. Becca and I can catch up o Grey's and Private Practice.

This morning I left early to get up to Mystic to start working on another room. We got a lot done, but I have to admit that right now if I go up another flight of stairs I may scream. We seem to be making a dent in one room and fill another room with more stuff. The dumpster is overflowing so that must be a good sign.

One of the memories that I have of Mystic is when I would stay there with the girls and in the early morning, getting up and coming down the front stairs to go to the kitchen and have a cup of tea with Mom. When you come down the front stairs you would see this

This is one of my favorite things and I wish I could say that I might get a piece of this, I do not see this happening. We did find my Mom's bag that she carried sometimes and it would make a great bag for any of Elizabeth's small knitting projects. I will clean it out for her and see if she wants it.

It been a long day and I still have at least 2 more week-ends of work up in Mystic before the closing - so I will sign off for now - and hope to get a good night's sleep.

To all my friends who need those extra prayers I am never too tired to keep praying, but I am too tired to type anymore. Shana Henrichsen, I wish I had one ounce of your energy.


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